Sometimes, the social media, more quickly than any other media sites, have a way of graphically capturing a slice of reality. A good example would be this one about how there came to be vaccine for Covid-19 just within basically six months when same has not been possible for HIV/AIDS or Herpes or malaria, not to talk of cancer, diabetes, sickle cell anemia and what have you.

Some of the all time big players in the industry
What happened? Or, what might have happened?
No easy answers or conspiracy theories may do but it will be difficult to stop overflow of conspiracy theories.
Some people are bound to ask if malaria would still be a problem if it were killing all the races as it does in Africa. Others are sure to insist on raising a similar question on HIV/AIDS, Herpes and other sundry infections that seem to defy vaccine. There are those who are sure to say it is the profit margin that stopped big pharmaceutical companies from rolling out the vaccine for any and all of these rather than the microbiological stubbornness or magic mutation capability of the viruses involved.
It will be a big debate anyway. After all, cancer kills without racial/civilisational borders. Herpes doesn’t kill but could create all manner of problems. Diabetes can be deadly across the board.
Lastly, a set of debaters are sure to raise this. How might conspiracy theory help when the battalion of global health philanthropists and movers cut across the racial borders, white people taking risks in black settings and vice-versa.
We are bound to hear from the group saying that it is capitalism that is to blame. That is, there are still no vaccines or drugs for this or that simply because profit is sweeter than human lives as far as the powerful interests behind the pharmaceutical companies are concerned.
Whichever of the narratives predominates, it seems Covid-19 has spread its decentering tentacles right into the profit shrines of pharmaceutical monopolies. How come Covid-19, a virus can get numerous vaccines within just six months but not HIV or Herpes which are also viruses?
This is not to talk of malaria, sickle cell anemia, diabetes, cancer and what have you! Could this be a case of life span for every lie or just one of the paradoxes of pharmaceutical world?
The world might have to await researchers and image makers of the big time companies to get through to the truth!