Intervention Accademy
Aiyede, Professor and Head, Department of Political Science, University of Ibadan intervenes in the debate on restructuring Nigerian within the context of federalism By E. Remi Aiyede Profes... Read more
By Prof Chima Onuoha, (University of Portharcourt) In the political lexicon and life of this country, it is common to read or hear about the cabal in the Presidency, Kaduna Mafia, Langtang M... Read more
Philosophers in Australia are on the warpath against the government’s plan to hike fees for the course and other courses in the humanities. Member of Parliament and Australia’s Federal Minis... Read more
In obvious sensitivity to internal bleeding in the face of informationalised capitalism, dogged activists of the have been utilizing the opportunities offered by ICT to strengthe... Read more
Prof Maurice Iwu who, as Chairman of INEC, conducted an election whose winner, the late Umaru Musa Yar’Adua, was also its harshest critic delivered a lecture at the Department of Political S... Read more
Tolulope Arotile is dead and gone to heaven, if the testimonial on her purity by her anguished father who appeared on Channels Television in the wake of her demise is anything to go by. Inte... Read more
The Nigerian economy, particularly its revival through diversification, will be the subject of the 2020 webinar conference of Econsmedia, a platform for economic and allied matters taking pl... Read more
Ex-New York Times journalist and novelist, Manu Joseph takes on the complicated topic of objectivity in an old but self renewing piece reproduced below Manu Joseph In the perce... Read more
The 21st century has complicated the credo of objectivity more than ever before. In this piece reproduced from the Columbia Journalism Review, (CJR), the author, a top editor himself, chips... Read more
By Prof Ibrahim Bello-Kano With the rise or advent of the internet, web intertextuality and the social media, death and dying can now be “stylized” as a pastiche of sorts. People... Read more