Gabriel Omohinmi is a rarity in crack journalism, rising to the position of an Assistant Director in the Voice of Nigeria, the most strategic outreach of Nigeria’s public broadcaster in the context of a world of states. He was not just a crack journalist, he was a defender of the most noble ideals. His praxis did not suffer from mediocrity and iron cage tendentiousness.
But age and the paradox of journalism have caught up with him. Journalism is a profession driven by fighting for collective interests and the tension that goes with it. The tension arises for the more socially sensitive of journalists who, perforce, have to be perpetually at war with traducers of the values of equity, justice and inclusion. Journalism then as a war front means that journalists of conscience end up spending more time on the social than on the self. Gabriel Omohinmi is a classic of this conceptual framework of journalism.

Mr Gabriel Omohinmi in an image from yesteryears
But now, he is down with ailments, aggravated with age. Intervention can declare that the ailments are nothing which anyone would be embarrassed or ashamed of. None is self-invited either.
His is not a case of abandonment. No. So many kind hearted brothers, colleagues, elders in the profession and caring senior citizens have intervened. He has been operated upon, some of it successful, some not so successful. No blame game is necessary at this point. What is urgent is for fellow Nigerians to rise to the challenge of saving Gabriel Omohinmi by taking it as a task that must be done. More money is needed for better or enhanced medical attention that can make the difference in his health.
He is still a vibrant fellow but held down by the ailments in question. This is thus the moment to disallow what happened to other journalists like him. In the case of Mallam Ujudud Sharrif, ex-Sunday Triumph editor, two kind hearted governors in office at the time brought out enough financial resources to take him out of the country for enhanced medical attention but it was too late. He died there, barely in his 60s. Let this not be another such case.
Nothing is too small from any body and all real or imaginary friends/enemy boundaries must give way to the Nigerian culture of cheerful giving. Please, fellow Nigerians, let the message sink that to save Gabriel Omohinmi is a task that must be accomplished.
Far away from Mr. Omohinmi in locational terms, Intervention requests all potential respondents and donors to please use either GTB Plc Account No. 0698802769 OR please, call his number, 08062903087 and oblige Gabriel Omohinmi.
The world looks forward to the return of the very visceral Gabriel Omohinmi to the scene!