Intervention Accademy
Her colleagues call her the “Warrior Researcher” behind her back. Why they do so is not that clear. But anyone who listens to her addressing an audience might put it to the distinctiveness o... Read more
As provocatively publicist as the piece below, its aspirational tone points at something about the emerging tendencies in university education in Nigeria. While some are talking of research... Read more
Campaigners behind ‘Not too Young to Run’ movement in Nigeria have got an additional voice in their support. Dr. Innocent Jooji, an intellectual of the Catholic Church and Head of the Depart... Read more
In the aftermath of the Cold War, a leading European scholar of International Relations asked students and teachers of the discipline to imagine what the structure of the discipline would lo... Read more
In a state of generalised insecurity as is the case with Nigeria today, there is bound to be concern with articulating divergent perspectives. This is what a student platform at the Ahmadu B... Read more
It is a puzzle this story is still circulating. Another wave of it has hit Whatsapp chat platforms. But it is actually a much celebrated 2018 story when 100 of the Sixth form students of Bra... Read more
No one who claims to have seen it coming might be challenged. The paradox of a deeply religious but also a very corrupt society is what almost no one can escape in Nigeria. But it ought not... Read more
There is no let up in the expression of public concern with perceived crisis of quality of education in Nigeria. A National Conversation on Quality Education in Nigeria held at the Yar’Adua... Read more
By Prof Ikhide Imumorin Science Communication Hub Nigeria, (, which originally published this piece under the title “The Nigerian University System: Matters Arising Par... Read more
This material below is reproduced from The New York Times. It is reproduced for many reasons, one of which is that it solves a puzzle about which Intervention also has written about in its A... Read more