It was predictable that the last had not been heard on the contentious issue of the causes and solutions to the phenomenon of herdsmen violence in Nigeria. The country is now hearing from a... Read more
Herdsmen violence in Benue State last week has thrown Nigeria into and kept it in a framing warfare which almost always leads to actual shooting war. This is more so that the framing war is... Read more
Although a research validation exercise has found that online violence targeted at women is real, there are, however, no specific laws against gender violence in Nigeria. This is the challen... Read more
Dr. Ursula Mandel Scholarship at University of California, USA 2018 Applicants are invited to apply for Dr. Ursula Mandel Scholarship to conduct doctoral programme in fields related to medic... Read more
Undergraduate Scholarship at York University in Canada, 2018 Applications are invited for International Student Bursary at York University in Canada. This bursary is administered by York Int... Read more
The Northern Elders Forum might have become the first casualty of the division in northern Nigeria over the handling of herdsmen violence. It is up against its Chairman, Chief Paul Unongo fo... Read more
This is a slightly updated version of an earlier one arising from a major spelling error and the imperative for a reference to the earlier such book in South Africa – Editor The repres... Read more
Does a central element tie together the wave of violence that greeted the new year in Nigeria or they just happened within the same time frame? In other words, is this government being sabot... Read more
It is the another heart rendering story of a passage and the associated rites, this time for Mrs Maureen Mimidoo Fateh, (nee Tarka), a quintessential case of a quiet but noted successful cha... Read more
Conflict transforming and peace building international NGO, Search for Common Ground is stepping up its five year old project titled “Constructing Coalitions to Reduce Human Rights Abuse in... Read more