Nigeria is witnessing a wave of deaths of elite figures that is not common. The figures so far is nothing compared to the number of women who die from delivery complications everyday in the... Read more
At his age, anything could happen but the way his voice rang out on the phone each time he called kept such thoughts away. When it happened at 6. 30 pm December 21st, 2020, it came as a surp... Read more
Prof Bayonile Tolani Ademodi, a member of the now defunct Ife Collective based at the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife is dead. Born in March, 1952, Prof Bayo gave up the ghost in the we... Read more
It would probably require a thorough going social research to establish how and why the simplest things elsewhere turn impossible in Nigeria. Does it happen like that because the system is r... Read more
If any evidences were needed that the current wave of Covid-19 infections mean business, there are now plenty of such. Apart from the dramatic loss of General Olubunmi Irefin and Mr. Sam Nda... Read more
The storyline is that Nigeria is today the fifth highest of personnel landmine casualty rate in the world. And the question is how could that be? The question has nothing to do with ignoranc... Read more
It was a classic case of giving to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what is God’s. The wedding itself was at the Chapel of Redemption at the College of Education, Akwanga in Nasarawa... Read more
The media is just one space of popular culture but, arguably, the most dominant in the world today. Might the Society for International Relations Awareness, (SIRA), which ranks itself as a l... Read more
By Habu Mohammed As things are now, secondary schools and later tertiary institutions in Kano State have been closed. It is a fall out of the raid on another secondary school in Katsina Stat... Read more
A leading Mass Communications scholar, Prof Umar Pate, has made it to Vice-Chancellorship of the Federal University, Kashere in Gombe State. He was, until his election as VC, the Dean of the... Read more