“All of us have the duty to teach coming generations that God, the Creator of heaven and earth, does not need to be protected by men.; indeed, it is he who protects them. he never desires the death of his children, but rather their life and happiness. He can neither demand nor justify violence; and indeed, he detests and rejects violence (God hates the lover of violence”, Ps 11: 5). The true God calls to unconditional love, gratuitous pardon, mercy, absolute respect for life and fraternity among his children, believers and non believers alike”
Pope Francis in his Friday April 28th, 2017 speech in Heliopolis at the start of a 2-day visit to Egypt
“Thank you for your warm welcome. I ask Almighty and One God to fill all the Egyptian people with his divine blessings. May he grant peace and prosperity, progress and justice to Egypt, and bless all her children! “Blessed be Egypt my people”, says the Lord in the Book of Isaiah, (19: 25)”
Pope Francis in his Friday April 28th, 2017 speech in Heliopolis at the start of a 2-day visit to Egypt
“Over the longer run, I think that the bigger threat to North Korea is not American missiles. It’s ideas, it’s information, it’s access to the outside world that would put at risk the ability of a family-run dynasty to maintain its totalitarian rule over this one small, but very dangerous state”
Jonathan Pollack, American expert in “Unpacked: The Threat from North Korea” published on April 24th, 2017 in Brookings Institution website, inviting us to reflect on the replicability of the experience of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, (USSR) in terms of internal contradictions being the real threat to North Korea than external threats. Although Pollack’s is an American expert basically writing the global space, his submission could still contain element of dialectical thinking.