Sports and Entertainment
Air Vice-Marshal Hamza Ibrahim, former Minister for Works, then the FCT and then Internal Affairs under the General Ibrahim Babangida regime actually died at Frankfurt Airport on arrival in... Read more
If music from the party was not heard well into Abuja and beyond, it must be because it was a low-key affair. Otherwise, it was birthday anniversary galore for multiple role player, Dr. Inno... Read more
It seems children do not accept the slaughtering of domestic animals. Why they do not appear to accept that is not clear. Is it innocent protest against the practice or there is something sp... Read more
As news of the death of Alhaji Shehu Shagari flashed across Nigeria Friday evening, December 28th, 2018, the Second Republic president of Nigeria brings back to most citizens who observed hi... Read more
Both share a commonality – they are all of Veritas University, Abuja. But whereas Dr. Solomon Ogaba teaches Philosophy in the university, Rosezita Ilokaba is an undergraduate, studying... Read more
By Adagbo ONOJA Meeting Alhaji Mamman Said again for the first time in six years was bound to be an emotionally and ideologically charged walk back in memory. What happened that within a yea... Read more
It is not new to Nigeria’s multiplicity of religious activities, being in its 11th version this year. But as almost whatever General TY Danjuma touches acquire a national symbolism in Nigeri... Read more
The times may be hard but being able to love and to work are still the defining features of life. It is, therefore, not out of place that media guru, Mallam Nuhu Musa, has gone into a love-w... Read more
At 109, he was the eldest in the state when he died on September 12th, 2018. His burial could not but be a state affair, not necessarily in terms of the government getting involved but in th... Read more