Sports and Entertainment
There is no doubt about it that Nigeria’s Society for Peace Studies and Practice, (SPSP) is yet to establish itself in terms of what might be reckoned with as cutting-edge practices. Notwith... Read more
It must be that there have been extremely low cases of women in the sort of crime that attracts capital punishment. That can be the only explanation for why whether women are ever hanged or... Read more
Nigeria’s share of unspeakable, humiliating horrors wears a gender face although ethno-regional representation of the entire crisis has drowned the gender perspective. But the more chilling... Read more
Dead people do not come back. That was Obi Oknkwo’s father in Chinua Achebe’s No Longer At Ease, protesting loudly when the elders said the returnee was a reincarnation of his grandfather or... Read more
It is turning out to be a wise saying that can probably not be over-used. That is the wisdom that the dead does not weep at his/her own funeral, popularised by the Tiv soloist on the air wav... Read more
Africa is mourning again and at the same time contemplating the future along Professor Ben Turok’s all time significant poser he raised more than 30 years ago in a book form: Africa: What Ca... Read more
We would not know now what he would do if and when he controls budget, police, INEC, etc as a governor, local government chairman or minister in the future. For now, however, he has passed t... Read more
For a combination of reasons, nearly all social scientists have gone into empirical research, leaving theorizing fallow. For one, empirical research brings more money than theorizing. To mov... Read more
It is a lenghty stuff but an interesting enough read to hold the reader from the beginning to the end. It is our yesterday with implications for our tomorrow. It is, therefore, published her... Read more
It would not be a terrible thing to say that no such text has come out in recent times. At 10, 143 words in length, it is a massive narrative which would look too long for a popular site suc... Read more