It would not be out of sync to say that the University of Ibadan is expecting an Inaugural Lecture with a difference August 22nd, 2019 when Prof Eghosa Osaghae takes the podium to deliver th... Read more
So, to restate the question: is Shlomo Avineri’s new book titled Karl Marx: Philosophy and Revolution about closing or creating gaps in Marxism? What does the book bring to the table regardi... Read more
If the Coxian intervention that shattered the hegemony of the scientific claim to truth is anything to go by, then this book will face interrogation such as the title of this piece. That is,... Read more
This is a very interesting book for the simple reason that it is about a ruling party in Nigeria, a party whose governance of Nigeria in the past four years is a subject of contested rating... Read more
It is true that there is a social media madness in the world today, what University of Canterbury scholar, Michael Grimshaw calls “selfie-centered culture of voyeurism and narcissism” but,... Read more
In this June 6th, 2019 piece, the author poses and provides an interesting answer to an interesting question. It has been reproduced from – Intervention By Daniel... Read more
Global Partnership for Education, (GPE), the international platform pushing for educational access for all children in the developing world is already on the trenches ahead of this year’s In... Read more
The Middle Belt intelligentsia is making what appears a cultural u-turn. That is from cultural self-effacing to cultural self-celebration. And its first step in this direction is a congratul... Read more
The Nigerian Army has attributed the shooting of three police intelligence officers to death Wednesday in Taraba State by troops to a distress call mishap. Reacting to an earlier statement b... Read more