Though located in faraway South America, the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago is, indeed, very close to Nigeria. Not if it is in the era of Samuel Huntington’s civilisational determinism, given the considerable African presence on the two-islands country. But, beyond the cultural significance is the international political economy of oil which circumscribes both Nigeria and the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. And then both experienced British colonialism.
Picking on the country in the series of dialogic engagements the Nigeria Institute of International Affairs, (NIIA) is promoting may thus be such a strategic outing. This comes up in a 2 hour long bout May 24th, 2022 at the NIIA Main Auditorium in Lagos. Of course, those who cannot be in-person participants can still participate through the Zoom facility via the details provided by the NIIA and which are as follows:
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