The world was scandalised. Global civil society switched itself on as leading personalities such as Michelle Obama, Malala and the popular culture fraternity went to work. There were stories... Read more
Global civil society has emerged as the newest set of interpreters, powerful not by the criteria of control of state, population, taxation or anything structural as such but as managers of s... Read more
UPDATED It is popular geopolitics because an assemblage of transnational activists are using a platform of popular culture – The New York Times – to narrate leadership and governance in a pa... Read more
The world can only guess as to what could be going on in presidential palaces, residence of prime ministers and leaders of the most important actors in the aftermath of the killing of Qassem... Read more
All is now set for the opening tomorrow of the North East Human Rights, Peace and Security conference in Maiduguri, capital of Borno State. Grounded in the notion of “developing an integrate... Read more