By Achal Prabhala Africa is a Country from whence this is taken writes an interesting intro as follows: On the occasion of the release of ‘How to Write About Africa,’ a collectio... Read more
PRASA is, in this story, the African story of the attempt to modernize and is worth reflecting upon. The original title, “After its dramatic derailing, is it even possible for Prasa to get b... Read more
By Mike Kebonkwu Esq A fortnight ago, England literarily came to a standstill in two unique events, complimentary and opposite: the transition of Queen Elizabeth II and the investiture and c... Read more
The University of St Andrews has emerged top of the UK university system in a different ranking from the one it previously did so. What that means is that the university based in Scotland ha... Read more
By Goolam Mohamedbhai How far might the PhD review practice the South African authorities are carrying out save a continent where the PhD is too esoteric to be the concern of even the eli... Read more
By Chijioke Uwasomba The death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has once again brought to the fore the power, elegance, the global appeal and the constant and continuing relevance of the Br... Read more
Concerned with growing insecurity, violent extremism, and ethno-religious crisis in Nigeria, the Alumni Association of the National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies (AANI), is inte... Read more
By Chijioke Uwasomba It is strange but not surprising that, even as the ideological war between the Federal Government of Nigeria along with its supporters across the country and the Academi... Read more
Professor C.S Whitaker framed it as a defining element of the politics of tradition, calling it “change and continuity”. By that, he suggests that the old order never fades away completely.... Read more
Was it not Stalin who said something like History being so important to be left to historians? Both his critics as well as admirers would concede that he knew what he was speaking about. Whi... Read more