Insight Into or Apprehension Over Trump’s Agency?
“I can’t guarantee that the president-elect won’t pursue some of the positions that he’s taken. But what I can guarantee is that reality will force him to adjust how he approaches many of these issues; that’s just the way this office (U.S. presidency) works…What I expect from world leaders is the same thing that I have said in a number of press conferences, which is the president-elect now has to put together a team. He has to put forward specifics about how he intends to govern and he hasn’t had the full opportunity to do that yet. So people should take a wait-and-see approach in how much his policy proposal, once in the White House, once he’s sworn-in, matches up with some of the rhetoric of his campaign. My simple point is that you can’t assume that the language of campaigning matches up with the specifics of governing, legislation, regulations and foreign policy. I can’t be sure. Very well, I think, like everyone else, we will have to wait and see. As I have said before, once you are in the Oval Office, once you begin interacting with world leaders, once you see the complexities of the issues, that has a way of shaping your thinking. Also in some cases, it has a way of magnifying your thinking. This is because, you recognise the solemn responsibility not only to the American people but some responsibilities that America has as the largest most powerful country in the world”
President Barack Obama adding more to the uncertainty about Donald Trump’s agency when he assumes the presidency of the United States shortly. Obama was speaking at a news conference in Lima, his last of such activity as U.S. president at the level of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum.

Is the agenda about re-inventing this legacy ?

Obama: scrutinising or apprehensive of Trump in the wake of Trump’s stunning victory ?