There is wailing and inconsolable gnashing of the teeth across many spaces of mourning in Nigeria over the death of Barrister Etukwu Onah. Barrister Onah who became a Senior Advocate of Nigeria, (SAN) six months ago died in a road crash within Abuja metropolis Saturday, (April 1st, 2023).

The late Etukwu Onah (SAN)
The upper and middle crust of the Bar and the Bench in Nigeria are mourning, friends outside that domain are also mourning just as the Idoma nation whose loss in cultural identity his death is are also in deep mourning. This is more so for the Idoma nationality which also lost another leader of thought in Prof Armstrong Adejo not long ago.
The details are not clear as Intervention merely received some pictures from an Abuja contact that the late SAN died in an accident. Intervention has been told he ran into a trailer which left no signs of being in motion on the road. That is very typical of trailers and heavy vehicles on Nigerian roads, acknowledged as such by the commonsense name given to them: roadmasters. It is not clear whether they are within the remit of the Nigerian road traffic policing system – the Federal Road Safety Corp; the Vehicle Inspection Officers (VIO) and the Traffic Police popularly renamed as Yellow Fever.
Intervention could not establish more details immediately about the deceased beyond that he hails from the Igede cultural group in Benue State. In other words, there is nothing about his age, children, schools attended and activities outside legal practice. He appears to have been a gentleman all through!
If it is true he is from Igede, then the weight of the loss will be greatest for the community, Igede being one of those several developmental backwaters scattered across Idomaland.