The times may be hard but being able to love and to work are still the defining features of life. It is, therefore, not out of place that media guru, Mallam Nuhu Musa, has gone into a love-writing mode in celebration of Jamila, his wife for 30 years. In what is reminiscent of Plato’s witticism that, at the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet’ or some words to that effect, Mallam Nuhu has penned what front rank writers may envy. It is all there in the cover picture.

Celebrated wife, Jamila
In 1988 when the ‘thing’ started, this was how they looked. That is husband and wife and the wife of another media guru who writes a weekly column on the hassles of marriage. She is the one sipping Coke on the right, Aisha Yusuf of Al-Bint fame. Her husband, Kabir Abdullahi Yusuf, Chairman of Media Trust is no less loving except that he is unlikely to be as publicly expressive as Mallam Nuhu.
Wishing Hajiya Jamila Nuhu, ace journalist and now a public relations resource person many more years of happy marriage.