It is not clear if Nigerians deconstruct newspaper headlines such as this when a terrible thing like this happens
Boko Haram must, indeed, be operating at its own frequency. Otherwise, what sense does it make to kill someone who is a captive and was no longer in any position to defend herself ? Yet, that was what they did to her. Those negotiating her release before the expiration of the deadline do appear to have more to explain but even then, she could have been spared and Heavens would not have fallen.
The world does not mourn such a life. Rather, the world celebrates such a life. If not for the way she died, then for being a global citizen who had given her life to serving others. By being an aid worker, working on delivering life lines to people caught between life and death, she demonstrated humanism on a scale many would not attain even at 90. May her soul not rest in peace but remain up and doing tormenting all those who create misery for other human beings.
Perhaps Hauwa Amina Liman will be the lesson the Federal side might have learnt in these negotiations. Leah Sharibu is still there. Before Hauwa Amina Liman, there was Saifura Hussaini Ahmed.