Authorities in Zimbabwe are out with 56 cases of suspected acts of corruption in under the past regime. The details or the specifics are not in yet. And the politics of anti-corruption in that context is also not clear at the moment. However, the list circulating across the Southern African country so far goes as follows:
- President Robert Gabriel Mugabe (Airport Scandal);
- Joyce Mujuru (ZISCO Scandal and the War Victims Compensation Fund);
- Grace Mugabe (VIP Housing scandal and the Diamond Scandals);
- Joseph Made (Kondozi Scandal and Fertiliser scandal);
- Mike Nyambuya (NOCZIM Scandal and Kondozi Scandal);
- Francis Nhema (Asitroc Investment (Private) Limited Scandal);
- Simbarashe Mumbengegwi (ZISCO Scandal);
- Stan Mudenge (VIP Housing Scandal and ZISCO Scandal);
- Obert Mpofu (ZISCO Scandal/ Marange or Chiadzwa Diamonds Scandal);
- Patrick Chinamasa (Interference with the functions of the Judiciary and ZISCO Scandal)
- Ignatius Chombo (Acquisition of Massive Wealth, Constituency Development Fund Scandal and the ZUPCO Scandal);

Mugabe and the two Vice-Presidents before the recent rupture
- Didymus Mutasa (Kondozi Scandal);
- Olivia Muchena (ZISCO Scandal);
- Sithembiso Nyoni (ZISCO Scandal);
- Christopher Mushowe (Kondozi Scandal and the University of Zimbabwe Scandal);
- Oppah Muchinguri (NOCZIM Scandal and VIP Housing scandal);
- Phillip Chiyangwa (NOCZIM Scandal);
- Kumbirai Kangai (GMB Scandal);
- Tinaye Chigudu (NOCZIM Scandal);
- Enock Porusingazi(NOCZIM Scandal);
- Esau Mupfumi (NOCZIM Scandal);
- Fred Kanzama (NOCZIM Scandal);
- Mike Madiro (Kondozi Scandal);
- Robert Gumbo (Kondozi Scandal);
- Robin Shava (War Victims Compensation Fund);
- Wilfred Mhanda (War Victims Compensation Fund);
- Vivian Mwashita (War Victims Compensation Fund);
- B Muranhwa (War Victims Compensation Fund);
- Perence Shiri (War Victims Compensation Fund);
- Oppah Rushesha (War Victims Compensation Fund);
- Reward Marufu (War Victims Compensation Fund);
- Augustine Chihuru (War Victims Compensation Fund and the VIP Housing scandal);
- Herbert Mahlaba (War Victims Compensation Fund);
- Edgar Tekere (War Victims Compensation Fund);
- Tirivanhu Mudariki (ZISCO Scandal);
- Gibson Munyoro (ZISCO Scandal);
- Gabriel Masanga (ZISCO Scandal);
- Rodwell Rukuno (ZISCO Scandal);
- Bright Matonga (ZUPCO Scandal);
- Charles Nherera (ZUPCO Scandal);
- Enock Kamushinda (Interference with the functions of the Judiciary);
- Simon Pazvakavambwa (Fertiliser Scandal);
- Gideon Gono (Fertiliser scandal, and Diamond Scandals);
- Sam Pa (Diamond Scandals);
- Sino Zimbabwe (Diamond Scandals);
- Anjin Investments (Diamond Scandals);
- Nyasha Mujuru (Diamond Scandals);
- Bonwell Chakaodza (VIP Housing Scandal);
- Tichaona Jokonya (VIP Housing Scandal);
- Leo Mugabe (Harare Airport Scandal);
- Paddington Garwe (VIP Housing Scandal);
- William Gumbochuma (VIP Housing Scandal);
- Marvelous Khumalo (Constituency Development Fund Scandal);
- Albert Mhlanga (Constituency Development Fund Scandal);
- Cleophas Machacha (Constituency Development Fund Scandal); and
- Franco Ndambakuwa (Constituency Development Fund Scandal).