Are you puzzled by anything about the relationship that exists or should exist between social science and sustainable development in the African context? Or, do you think there are things in that relationship that have not been sufficiently dealt with, either at the level of concepts, theories or methods? Or, is there a comparative gaze you think has not been drawn between Africa and any of its Others?
Well, if you do, then there is a window for you to shout plenty at the impending international conference on “Social Sciences and Sustainable Development in Africa” which the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Lagos State University (LASU) in Lagos, Nigeria has planned.
It is as comprehensive as they come and there is room for any social scientist, irrespective of his or her analytical homestead, to splash theoretical or empirical waters in the mid-year conference. Although it is scheduled to last for just two days, no segment of the theme is left uncovered, given the list from which paper presenters can make their choice.
For a country and a continent desperately seeking to break out of mass poverty and misery relative to the rest of the world, this can be called the conference of conferences, depending though on the critical edge brought to bear on the theme and if it doesn’t end in the conference room.