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  1. 1

    Lawal Shehu

    This is true, I used to say ‘there are only two malams in BUK, Muazzam and others’cos I know what it is to be taught by him. I salute him and MMYUSUF

  2. 2

    Lawal Shehu

    It is him that encourages students on everything positive to either life, study and even business, he is good in motivation and impacting knowledge, he teach through a systematic approach by keeping students in wonder and questions, I was apportioned and blessed to have Malam in my study line

  3. 3

    Muhammad Sanusi Umar

    Muazzam’s curved his in not only Political science department but in and about knowledge being pursued by students and teachers in and out of the university. He has trained and produced giants in their rythms of Understanding Knowledge and how to get it. This article did not mention the IBK’s and Danju’s grooming perspectives; the results of J&D versus IBK two sessions. The epitome of the thrust in Knowledge thirst which Muazzam moderated.
    Muhammad Sanusi Umar

  4. 4

    Idris Alhassan Dan Hassan

    Ibrahim Muazzam is my mentor, Teacher and the one who introduced me to political Philosophy during my Undergraduate study in the Department of political science BUK. I am still in a good contact with eminent Scholar and he teaching is beyond some things that one can narrate but only experiences can tell. Mu’azzam is a good Teacher and his knowledge is more like a Polymath of this era in political Philosophy. He is not a man of Certificates but Knowledge. Mu’azzam was born to study not study to lives.


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